A Trusted Advisor and Partner in Healthcare

Lifemark Health Group
Written by Jen Hocken

Lifemark Health Group is one of the largest integrated healthcare providers in Canada. It has 177 clinics across the country and partners with many hospitals to provide specific rehabilitation services.
Lifemark Health Group also collaborates with employers for a variety of occupational health related services including vision testing, audiometric testing, drug and alcohol testing and pre-employment screening.

Ultimately, Lifemark helps organizations and businesses from every industry to create a safer and more productive workplace and customizes its occupational health programs for each employer’s needs. There are many positive aspects to having an onsite medical and evaluation team that encourages a healthy and safe work environment.

Lifemark’s service offering spans all aspects of the healthcare continuum, from pre-employment testing to preparing a claim for the long-term disability carrier. One notable prevention service is the biometric health screening that shows vital health information of employees in a short amount of time. It can calculate an employee’s risk of developing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and much more. The health screening process often motivates employees to make positive lifestyle changes that enhance their quality of life. Seventy-five percent of participants stated they would make some kind of lifestyle change after the screening process.

The advantages to working with Lifemark for employers are plenty, yet there are three main factors. Although it has a very large national presence, it is still attentive to the local feel of the region in which it operates. The majority of the senior leadership is team are healthcare professionals (physiotherapist, pharmacist, kinesiologist, occupational therapist). There is a constant focus on the clinical enhancements of the company’s services and following best practices. Lastly, this is an entrepreneurial organization that works to provide innovative solutions for its partners.

“When we have initial conversations with a client, we are always seeking an opportunity to provide customizable solutions to meet their needs or concerns. It’s about asking the poignant questions to get the necessary results and solutions for the individual and the organization,” says Marlon M. Majdoub, senior director of business development at Lifemark Health Group.

“Lifemark’s evolution depends on listening to clients, patients and referral providers, understanding their needs and ramping up our offerings to meet their expectations,” says Marlon. For example, while physiotherapy and rehabilitation services will always remain core to the business, Lifemark has recognized the need for a broader range of healthcare services. This led to its expansion of offerings to include a full range of rehab and specialty services. Further diversification into employer services and a mental health offering have enabled the team to provide comprehensive care for their clients.

Lifemark also has a mental health initiative called LIFT, for Lifemark Integrated Functional Transition. “It’s taking a different approach towards mental health support by combining our services with occupational therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists to get an individual back to their pre-injury state from a cognitive perspective,” says Marlon.

The program provides employers and insurers with mental health care solutions for employees who need assistance returning to work. As one in five employees suffers from mental health issues and the cost of sick leave for mental illness is approximately double the cost of sick leave for physical injuries, helping to bring employees back to work in a cost-effective way is important. LIFT develops a customized plan for individuals with specific challenges and needs.

Lifemark Health Group is a part of an elite group of employers that were recognized by the Globe and Mail with the 2018 Employee Recommended Workplace award. This award highlights the commitment of a company to the health and wellness of its employees and is based entirely on survey scores provided by the employees. The survey included questions about work life, home life, mental health and physical health. Companies that make the health of employees a priority will see enhanced productivity, engagement and overall positive business results and should be acknowledged for creating a healthy and happy workplace.

Through careful hiring, company acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, Lifemark has developed a strong collective brain trust at all levels across the company. Attracting the right talent has enabled the organization to enter new geographic regions, acquire new services, adopt new processes and gain external support as it grows. Retaining talent is also a priority, and there is a focus on building strong relationships based on trust, and a culture of respect and support.

“At the core of our corporate DNA… who we are and what we do… we are in the business of helping people,” says Marlon. “We want to be the trusted advisor and consultant when it come creating a healthy workplace culture.” Lifemark has the experienced staff, locations across the nation and the expertise to deliver quality rehabilitation and occupational health programs to improve health and safety of an organization

Lifemark plans to carry on with being a trusted advisor in the industry and provide best practice services as clinicians.



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