Quality, Efficiency and Responsibility

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GreenFiber, North America’s leading supplier of environmentally sound cellulose insulation, exemplifies the benefits of a company structure intrinsically linked to corporate responsibility. Driven by a commitment to energy sustainability, GreenFiber’s innovative approach to the manufacturing and installation of insulation has created not only an economical, but a sustainable solution for people endeavoring to lower their energy costs.
Cellulose insulation works to maintain temperature control at a structural level. The last decade has brought an acute public awareness to the importance of insulation. Since heating and cooling systems are increasingly expensive to run, GreenFiber provides customers with a new level of economic freedom in terms of utility costs. Despite extreme external temperatures, buildings insulated with the company’s products are able to maintain a comfortable internal temperature, which translates directly to a lesser use of indoor heating and cooling systems.

The company’s product is changing the process of energy efficient design, and the industry is taking notice. According to CEO Gary Wiegmann and Vice President of Sales Steve Gerber, it is the pairing of efficiency and quality, which continue to push GreenFiber to the forefront of the industry.

The rise of an insulation empire
GreenFiber was established in 2000, the result of the conglomeration of two independent companies, one in building materials, and the other operating in the waste materials sphere. At the time, the industry lacked a durable, cost-effective alternative to the existing cellulose insulation products on the market. The people at GreenFiber decided to take on the challenge, hoping to perfect the process and, better yet, provide an environmentally friendly alternative.

Cellulose insulation is one of the oldest forms of insulation material. Although originally developed in the 1920s, the product only gained widespread popularity in the 1970s. The energy crisis which affected the world – particularly North America – in the 1970s raised home heating oil prices through roof and left consumers seeking ways to save money. Quickly, energy efficiency became a prime concern for many.

When GreenFiber was started, homes were just beginning to be built with energy efficiency in mind. In the past five years, cellulose insulation has gained national attention for its potential to transform the construction and energy efficiency of homes, and today, the company has grown into North America’s largest distributor and manufacturer of environmentally sound, cellulose insulation. With a range of insulation options to meet or surpass national regulation testing requirements, the firm remains at the forefront of innovation within the building materials sector.

GreenFiber manufactures and installs stabilized insulation which is incorporated during construction phases. Builders, contractors and architects are regularly utilizing its technology in the early stages of design.

Many are also now turning to GreenFiber insulation to improve existing structures. Historically, energy management was not a prime consideration during construction design, and as a result, many older structures have high energy costs and limited fire prevention features. The company’s loose-fill cellulose can be used within existing structures and over existing insulation to improve the climate control capabilities of the building. These capabilities allow GreenFiber to serve a variety of industry needs during every phase of construction or even post-construction.

With the incorporation of the insulation into existing or developing structures, buildings retain heat in cold weather and stay cool in the hottest of temperatures. Often insulation is measured by its ability to resist heat transfer in mild temperatures, but independent lab tests have proven that GreenFiber’s climate control features are extremely effective even in extreme temperatures – the instances when temperature control matters most.

“Often insulation is measured for how it functions in mild conditions – 75 degrees Fahrenheit – but that isn’t really when you need insulation: when it’s really cold or really warm. That’s when insulation is most important; that’s when the importance of what we offer really comes into play,” says Gerber.

Save Energy, Save Money
In the past twenty years, the benefits of insulation have received a vast amount of attention from the construction industry, environmentalists and the government. The housing boom of the early 2000s, and the more recent resurgence of the housing industry, made the insulation market a growing and competitive industry. Since insulation is cost-effective and relatively easy to install, it is quickly becoming a popular option for families and companies wishing to lower their energy costs and environmental footprint.

At the heart of GreenFiber is quality, predicated on environmental integrity. The money-saving benefits of the company’s insulation can be seen almost immediately and the initial investment quickly pays for itself. “GreenFiber insulation can actually pay for itself through saving energy. I some cases it can even pay for itself within a year. So, if you’re going to own your home for longer than a year, the investment pays itself off,” Gerber explains.

GreenFiber products are backed by an energy saving promise which backs the use of each of its products, ensuring the reduction of customer’s energy costs. “Our energy saving promise really sets us apart,” according to Wiegmann.

GreenFiber’s low-impact, non-toxic insulation is dually beneficial, saving customers on energy costs, while simultaneously lowering the country’s overall reliance on heating oil, electricity and gas. Aside from the inherently low cost, eco-friendly system, the company uses 85 percent recycled fiber in the creation of its material. Its environmentally conscious approach has gained international attention, even winning GreenFiber the prestigious certification of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Multifunctional Benefits
Energy saving through structural temperature control is generally considered the primary purpose of cellulose insulation, but the benefits of insulation have been found to transcend its original purpose. Cellulose insulation is also used for its flame retardant and soundproofing properties. Today, industry professionals and homeowners alike are turning to such insulation for not only comfort, but safety.

According to Wiegmann, the product provides clients with a heightened level of structural safety making it a top choice for homeowners and contractors alike. “Our products really have a multifunctional purpose. They help customers save money and are more comfortable, but they also protect people,” he says.

GreenFiber’s insulation is proven to raise the fire resistance capabilities of a wall up to 57 percent: a feature of which the company is extremely proud. “Our product really has the ability to keep people safe; it gives them more time to get out of a house if a fire started. It’s really important,” says Gerber. In independent lab studies, GreenFiber met or exceeded national standards for fire safety, taking longer to burn and withstanding temperatures of over 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. The product grants clients not only savings and functionality, but peace of mind.

In addition to the fire resistant qualities of GreenFiber insulation, the products also provide sound proofing capabilities and non-corrosive qualities which ensure the long-term benefits of the insulation overall. The critical safety and comfort features of GreenFiber’s products remain a top concern for the firm, Gerber explains. “Safety and quality go hand in hand.”

Proof is in the Process; The GreenFiber Guarantee
Unlike competitors, GreenFiber ensures that its products will continue to meet building code standards while retaining all functionality, including climate control, fire resistance and sound control capabilities throughout the lifetime of each structure. As a result of this promise, the company has invested heavily and worked extremely hard to control quality during the manufacturing phases.

Its commitment to high-end cellulose manufacturing is founded by a structure of systems processes which guarantee that each step of production delivers the same, quality result. “Anyone in the manufacturing industry knows that the most important thing is controlling your variability; that is something we are really great at,” Gerber explains. Every bag of GreenFiber insulation is coded and stamped to ensure that the product can be traced, from its creation to its installation. Consistency is key to maintaining quality results which ensure the reliability of the insulation.

“Our processes are extremely well structured and monitored; it’s something that we are really proud of. Our management team is skilled in the process which guarantees the overall quality of what we offer,” says Wiegmann.

GreenFiber’s national coverage is consistently expanding, with eleven locations at present and new endeavours on the horizon. Driven by an increasing market demand which is focused on the bottom line, the company has seen steady growth since its beginning.

From energy savings to fire safety, GreenFiber provides an economical, quality solution. A history of success, a commitment to sound processes and an ethos of environmental responsibility back the promises of the nationally renowned company. With a system that saves clients, while simultaneously benefiting the environment, GreenFiber’s reign over the building materials industry is only really beginning.



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