March 2022

2022 | March 2022 | Workforce & Economic DevelopmentWomen’s WorkHow Is It Changing?

2022 | March 2022 | Workforce & Economic Development

Women’s Work

How Is It Changing?

“For the times, they are a-changin’,” Bob Dylan sang, and times seem to be changing fast. It has been pointed out that 1970 is as far away from 2022 today as it was from 1918 – exactly fifty-two years. Life was vastly different for everyone, but especially for women, in the early twentieth century compared to the technological boom times following 1970. Though much has changed with regard to equality in the workplace, the challenges remain significant, yet not without hope.

2022 | March 2022Miles AheadGP Transco

2022 | March 2022

Miles Ahead

GP Transco

Driving distances akin to thirty-eight trips around the planet every week while carrying four billion pounds of product annually, GP Transco is a North American trucking leader that operates in a league of its own. Alongside its commitment to working with integrity and with its sights set on hauling over 69,000 loads of freight in 2022, this trucking firm is dedicated to transparency.


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