Pioneering the Future of Hemp

CV Sciences
Written by Grace McDermott

For decades, the health benefits of hemp products have been known. Hemp has long been recognized for its nutritional value, but in recent years, the plant has taken on an estimated 25,000 new uses. Today, hemp has been developed into food, textiles, fuels and more. With the emergence of new research and technology, the potential of hemp has evolved tremendously, and CV Sciences has been at the forefront of this hemp revolution.
San Diego-based CV Sciences is trailblazing a new era for hemp with CBD products. CBD is a dietary supplement made with cannabinoid oil derived from agricultural hemp. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid, one of over one hundred cannabinoids that is found in agricultural hemp. CBD is distinctly different to marijuana and even medical cannabis, in that it is required to contain no more than .3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which means it is non-psychotoxic and will not induce any type of euphoria. For decades, many have sought out CBD for its benefits to both human and animal health, but the demand for CBD has expanded greatly in recent years.

CBD products are a major driver of growth for the hemp industry, representing one of the fastest-growing sectors within the hemp market. Estimates of CBD’s value have ranged from $85 million to $300 million, figures which point to the undeniable future potential of the industry. With the growth of any industry, comes competition, but CV Sciences has remained at the forefront. This is because, like any supplement, quality is the selling point, and when it comes to quality, CV Sciences does it best.

CV Sciences’ products are distinguished both in reputation and quality. CV Sciences has not only the equipment, the knowledge and the experience to ensure quality.

Quality starts with the seed. That is why all of CV Sciences’ CBD products are from agricultural hemp seeds with European Union certification that are grown by a European cooperative of hemp farmers. This industrial hemp is grown under extremely stringent regulations to ensure purity. CV Sciences works diligently to this standard, constantly innovating to deliver products that meet or exceed industry standards as set out by the Food and Drug Administration and the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.

From its advanced laboratory that houses state-of-the-art equipment and testing capabilities, CV Sciences provides trusted CBD products that pass rigorous potency, quality, and safety monitoring. It analyzes hemp oils for pesticides, contaminants, heavy metals, and even cannabinoid content. CV Sciences’ in-house technology ensures that the highest standard of natural, quality products are delivered at all times. Most importantly, the technology is backed by the firm’s in-house team of highly experienced scientists who are in charge of guaranteeing the creation of the most effective and safe CBD products possible.

There are several points that distinguish CV Sciences’ process from the crowd. It has a commitment to quality products, performs complete monitoring of quality outputs, and aggressively monitors the process of development and distribution. Firstly, the firm offers what it terms, “Full traceability – from seed to shelf™.” In other words; the company takes part in every phase of the supply chain process. Whether it is out in the field harvesting seeds, quality testing, or even distribution, CV Sciences is there.

Once the seeds are harvested, the oil is extracted. “A ‘cold’ process, hemp oil extractions are done at temperatures closest to its botanical material. Minimizing thermal degradation of the plant material and the extracted oil,” says the company.

All CBD products are gluten-free, non-GMO, and chemical-contaminant-free thanks to a unique carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction process. Quality is more than processes and products; at CV Sciences, quality is as an integral an element of the entire business as communication and ethics. Environmental impact has become a consideration for nearly every company today, but for firms that rely heavily on natural elements, it is even more poignant.

CV Sciences has kept environmental responsibility at the core of its business since its beginning. As such, the firm bypasses the use of a harsh chemical solvent extraction process that many use to process oils, instead utilizing solvent-free CO2 extraction. This natural solution is non-toxic and, moreover, less harmful to the planet than chemical approaches.

Taking its monitoring one step further, CV Sciences brings in third-party analysis to examine quality. Third-party testing is an undeniable advantage for CV Sciences’ customers. It is this step in the process that proves just how committed the firm is to quality outputs. Independent analysis investigates products and their labels, ensuring that any product CV Sciences sells stand up to its promise. It is this unbiased, unadulterated perspective that offers consumers a peace of mind with which other companies in the space just cannot compete.

CV Sciences has built a reputation and a client list to match, on a continued commitment to quality in CBD. However, it is the company’s commitment to innovation that continues to distinguish it as not only a provider but also a leader in CBD.

“We are committed to pioneering the CBD evolution,” says the company, and its corporate commitment is posited on this ideal of quality through innovation, “through responsible application of science, we enhance the prosperity and well-being of our customers and communities.”

As the hemp industry – and the CBD segment in particular – changes and grows, CV Sciences will face inevitable future development. In the end, CV Sciences’ experiential knowledge and commitment to quality through not only processes but also innovation, ensures this is only the beginning. This sentiment was summed up best by the by the firm saying: “We believe the future of hemp is unlimited.”



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