December 2019

2019 | December 2019 | In Focus83 Years and Still TruckingHines Trucking

2019 | December 2019 | In Focus

83 Years and Still Trucking

Hines Trucking

J.D. & Billy Hines Trucking was established by J.D. Hines in 1936 in the humblest of beginnings. With one truck, the company served the Prescott region offering log, lumber, and gravel hauling. By 1969, J.D. Hines partnered with his son, Billy Hines, investing in additional equipment as the company grew. In 1976, this father-son partnership was incorporated into its current company name, often referred to as HTI.

2019 | December 2019 | In FocusLiving On FreshnessFru-Veg Marketing, Inc.

2019 | December 2019 | In Focus

Living On Freshness

Fru-Veg Marketing, Inc.

For Fru-Veg Marketing, Inc.’s founder and Chief Executive Officer, Conchita Espinosa-Chediak, building relationships that stretch over generations is about much more than just growing a business. It is a way of life, and this energetic CEO has crossed many seas, mountains, and valleys to bring Americans some of the best fresh produce the world has to offer.


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