Exciting Company Growth in a Budding Industry

Written by Jen Hocken

Organicures provides the production of high quality, pharmaceutical grade cannabis. All the cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products are one hundred percent organic, and it has its own innovative research and development laboratories. The company’s main goal is to consistently provide an incredible, quality product in all areas of the world that recognize the benefits of legalizing cannabis.
“The company was founded by a group of friends from the Netherlands who are horticulture experts with more than thirty years of experience. They combined their expertise and formed the perfect synergy for a topnotch company that can deliver high-quality products on a global scale,” says Diane Fernandes, chief executive officer of Organicures.

The company was founded in 2015, with its first facility in Denver, Colorado, though it soon expanded into Suriname and Puerto Rico. All of its facilities are designed by Dutch Horticulture Professionals (DHP), a partnering company that specializes in consulting, design, training, and complete construction assistance.

Organicures employs a total of twenty-five people throughout its locations. DHP designed the Organicures facilities to be as efficient as possible, which allows the company to have fewer employees. “I design and build around being extremely efficient, so we don’t need that many people in the facility, and that’s why the number seems low. I’ve been in facilities that are maybe a quarter of the size and have about four times the amount of people,” says Nick Melachropoulos, owner of DHP.

Currently, Organicures is a private company but is in the process of going public to keep up with the rapidly growing cannabis industry. “What we understand is that we need to expand fast because of the dynamic of the market,” says Diane. “We know an IPO is in sight; it’s not a question of if it’s going to happen, but when it’s going to happen.”

Its mission is to grow to be the largest global seed-to-sale company through new partnerships, and it will only collaborate with companies that follow the same quality standards. As horticulture specialists, Organicures and DHP are aware that there are essential pieces missing from the cannabis industry for it to be complete and efficient. Organicures is looking forward to an initial public offering (IPO) that will allow it to accomplish its vision of improving the industry and being the first ones to act on this needed change.

“For me, it is unbelievable that nobody picked it up, but it has more to do with the fact that ninety-five percent that is running this industry right now is not coming from the horticulture industry,” says Nick. One of the reasons the company is waiting for the IPO to share its knowledge is to be able to set up these new processes in multiple locations at the same time. “We are trying to get this IPO, to set it up in different locations all at one time and change the industry. Effectively, it will guide and improve the industry for everybody.”

The company has the availability to export its high-quality products all over the world to every country that allows imported cannabis products. Its low-cost operation in Suriname, in South America, has a strong focus on the Columbian and the Brazilian markets due to their proximity. Since its inception, Organicures planned the growth of global presence in the industry. It chose its locations carefully and merged with the right local partners to gain dominance in the market. The company also has European connections that further improve its exporting capabilities.

Organicures has a scientific approach to growing and innovating, but it also develops products outside the cannabis realm. Organicures has a team of professors who focus on finding medication or cures for diseases that are often overlooked because they mostly affect poor countries from which the pharmaceutical industry cannot make much money. The company enjoys being able to give back to the communities where it has set up its operation.

“The way we see it, if you want to make money in a country which is not your home country, you should also give back to that country, and this is our way of doing something for the countries we are involved in, and we do that on the scientific level,” says Nick.

One way that Organicures invests in the underdeveloped countries where it is located is to develop a unique project to help society become more self-sustainable. It is currently in the process of setting up a greenhouse project in one of its locations where it will teach the local residents how to grow for themselves most efficiently and productively.

“Instead of just taking money out of their country and using their country for their low cost of labour, we want to give back by getting them ready to at one point do their own production and sales/export so they can make their own money,” says Nick.

“In every country where we apply for a licence, we make these projects as one of the priorities within our business model. We just want to make sure that whatever we do reflects our true value. One way is by giving back to the community.”

Staff members are young people with strong work ethics who are all focused on accomplishing the same goal with perseverance. “Most important for us is we see ourselves as just one team. Everybody is treated with the same values, the same respect, and the same love. That’s just our team spirit,” says Diane. The company strongly values trust, integrity, loyalty, and courage.

As a part of DHP, Nick consults with many cannabis companies, and he is sure that Organicures is more concerned about quality than running prices up or accumulating more square footage. Many of its competitors run different operations in each facility, and the lack of standardization causes a varying and unpredictable outcome in product quality, which is something that Organicures stays far from.

“Wherever we grow in the world, whatever we attach to our name, will work with the exact same setup as in every other company that we are involved in, so we always have our same standard high quality; there will be no difference, and that will set us aside from almost any competition that we have,” says Nick.

The legalization of cannabis has caused a shift in how the plant is perceived. It has changed from being seen as an illegal recreational drug to a natural medicine. With the help of new knowledge being spread across the internet, “Cannabis has achieved a whole new positive status. A whole new market is created, markets expand – think of food and beverage – which rapidly helps to develop this industry,” says Diane.

Potentially, there could be abuse in the newly-formed industry in the first few years, and there is concern about companies driving up the THC values too high in order to be competitive. This could cause users to develop a higher tolerance for the drug and decrease its effectiveness. The potency has already increased to over thirty percent THC, and governments should think about preventing it from increasing further. The abuse of any medicine, not only cannabis but also normal pharmaceutical medication, is something that should be prevented and avoided at all times.

Some cannabis companies, including Organicures, believe that the cannabis flower will eventually disappear from commercial sales, and the industry will fully transition to oils and oil-related products. This may be particularly true in places like Canada where users can grow small quantities at home.

Organicures has long-term goals to expand and develop further into other industries. For example, it already has a plan to implement cannabis tourism with medical and recreational cannabis research laboratories set up in exotic locations. It has exciting goals to pursue in the near future, and it will continue to apply for additional licenses in strategic locations around the world to become the best seed-to-sale cannabis company in the industry.



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